Faith and Politics
"Do Faith and Politics Mix?" "Listen," St. Benedict tells us, "with the ear of your heart." (Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue 1) This opening in a recent Pax Christi reflection, resonates with the intent of the program held at St. Mary Hales Corners entitled “Do Faith and Politics Mix”
The goal of the program? To share Church moral teaching, to listen to each other with respect and openness and to honor the experience of truth each person brought to the discussion. In other words, to listen to each other face to face “with the ear of our hearts”.
As we move through the election season, Catholics for Peace and Justice will continue to offer to work with parishes and groups to provide meaningful and productive programs that address the issues in light of our Christian Catholic moral foundation – with a focus on civility. We’d love to hear your ideas. To comment or collaborate contact us at