Advocacy Resources

Advocating for Justice - Resources and Ideas

So much to do so little time - as we look around our neighborhoods, cities, state, country and the world, we can become overwhelmed by what we see. The opportunities for helping people, curbing violence, bringing peace, sustaining creation are endless.

Focus is key. Every individual is a link in God's plan. We must ask the question through prayer where and how is God calling me to action? Each of us is one small piece in God's master web, but without each of us the web is broken. Nonviolent action means taking planned action in a nonviolent way to resolve issues of injustice and violence in our time.


Advocacy and Nonviolence Resources

Legislative Advocacy Guide from Wisconsin Council on Children and Families

Advocacy Tool Kit from Wisconsin Coucil on Children and Families

"The Political Objective and Strategic Goal of Nonviolent Actions" by Robert J. Burrowes

"The Eight Stages of Successful Social Movements" by Bill Moyer

Martin Luther King, Jr's "Principles of Nonviolence"

A Decalogue for a Spiritualtiy of Nonviolence" by Rosemary Lynch and Alain Richard

Reaching Out to Your Parish: Hearing Each Other, Transforming Hearts for Action

At our conference on “Justice, Advocacy, and the Social Teaching of the Church” we asked our panel discussion members Father Kenneth Mich, Eileen Ciezki, Kari Hanson and Tom Hunt to address the topic “Transforming Hearts: Incorporating Justice into the Life of the Parish.”

They shared with us the goals of their ministry and how their parish has engaged in approaching issues of justice, what has worked well for them and what challenges they have faced. Through this discussion we hope that all of might gain ideas and encouragement on how we might begin or enhance ministries within our own parishes or organizations.

Here is what they shared.

"A Challenge to Our Future" Child Poverty in Wisconsin Report

Child poverty has grown sharply in Wisconsin in recent years. About one in five Wisconsin children — over a quarter of a million total — live below the poverty line. This disturbing trend is contributing to a host of problems that affect everyone in the state – families living in poverty are not the only ones impacted, entire communities are affected as well. Review the Report and Press Release from the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families.